Those Young Guys

Stewart, British Columbia and Hyder, Alaska

Welcome to Stewart, British Columbia. It is about a 45 minute drive from Meziadin Junction. Along the drive you can stop and admire Bear Glacier.

Stewart is a good place to load up on supplies, visit the boardwalk estuary, and head on over to Hyder, Alaska.  There is not a US border patrol station going into Hyder but you will hit Canada border patrol returning to Stewart. Warning: You will be taxed heavily if you buy any booze in Hyder.

While in Hyder head to the Seafood Express (and old bus turned into a diner) and to the Glacier Inn to get “hyderized”. Doesn’t get any better than all of this. Best time to go is in August to Fish Creek in Hyder to see the bears.

You can also continue on up the road north from Fish Creek and head back into British Columbia (no border crossing stations either direction) and drive on up a narrow, windy, steep road to Salmon Glacier. You can look down on the glacier from a breath taking viewpoint.  Worth the drive.

Link to Map in “Where We’ve Been”


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