The Bosque
Birding on a motorcycle, really? Read on.
Being a photographer and loving birding I have always wanted to visit Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge to see the flocks and flocks and flocks of Sandhill Cranes, Snow Geese, and many other migrating birds. In the winter months, between November and February there can be over 14,000 Sandhill Cranes who stop by for a rest during their migration. WOW. How incredible is that?
Well it is March and a bit late to see all that but we thought we should go check it out anyway. Just to get a lay of the land and see what it is like.
Link to Map in “Where We’ve Been”

We ended up seeing some birds not as many as we would like to and certainly not big flocks but we enjoyed our time there. We were almost the only ones there which meant we could take our time and meander wherever. We have heard that during the prime season it gets to be bumper to bumper. Holy cow!! Or Holy Sandhill Crane!
We saw Great Blue Herons, an unidentified raptor (Hawk or Falcon), a Bald Eagle,Cormorants, Mule Deer, Quail, Snow Geese, Northern Shovelers, and lots of tortoises.

The refuge has plenty of stopping areas with great blinds, boardwalks, and viewing platforms. It really is a great place for birdwatching, well if you are there in season!
And lots of places to stop and take a look around.
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