Our plans get changed again. Our initial plan, after leaving Alamagordo, was to head into eastern New Mexico towards Portales and Clovis and then on to Palo Duro Canyon State Park near Amarillo and explore for a few weeks. We had been battling a wind for weeks ever since entering New Mexico and we were starting to get tired of it. But we battled on. Then, as we got closer and closer to Roswell, the winds came on strong and the forecast for winds look extreme. Time to hunker down, yet again! We pulled into the Elks Lodge before noon and the RV Park was empty (see below). By noon it was almost full. Obviously, every big rig around had the same idea…HUNKER DOWN AND DO IT NOW! The Elks Lodge in Roswell is right in town and within walking distance to many activities. A nice clean park with big pull thrus. And lots of wind! We had to wait out the winds for a few days. We kept checking the forecast and as soon as we saw a break we made a dash for it. As usual the winds seem to die down from around 4am until before noon. So off we went but this time decided to head west since the forecast looked much better in that direction. Oh well, Palo Duro another time. Cheers!
Link to Map in “Where We’ve Been”

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