Those Young Guys

de Anza Country Club and Fruit Stands – Borrego Springs, California

Borrego Springs is known for many things but two that stand out are the fresh fruit, especially lemons, oranges, and grapefruits and the town’s golf courses.

Borrego is home to several fruit growers who provide stands around town for purchasing their citrus. Not only can you drive by the citrus groves and watch them picking but you can stop by and pick up some fresh lemons and oranges and then spend the day making lemon curd or lemon/orange muffins or whatever suits your fancy. Some of the stands offer an honor system where you can just drop by, pick up the fruit of your choice, stuff the money in a box, and off you go. Love small towns!

As for golfing opportunities, there are quite a few. But one of the major courses is a private club called de Anza Country Club. Not only is it a championship golf course with a restaurant but it is surrounded by a few hundred homes in a beautiful setting near the base of the mountains. A great place for a bike ride.

Those Young Guys - Borrego Springs California
deAnza Country Club
Those Young Guys - Borrego Springs California
deAnza Country Club


Another fun place to visit is The Palms Hotel, steeped in Hollywood history.  Movie stars such as Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable, and Montgomery Clift, would fly their private jets to Borrego and stay at The Palms Hotel to escape the public and have a few days of privacy. It is not far from the Palm Canyon Campground in the State Park so it is an easy walk or bike ride for a visit to check out the digs.

Those Young Guys - Borrego Springs California
The Palms Hotel

And the good thing is we usually visit Borrego in the winter and the weather is usually absolutely perfect. A note of warning, if you go in the summer….be prepared!

Those Young Guys - Borrego Springs California
Ain’t that the truth!

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