Those Young Guys

Davis Camp – Bullhead City, Arizona

Davis Camp Park - Bullhead City AZ

We visited this park one day while staying in Laughlin. We always like to check out other RV parks and campgrounds in the area in case we are missing something. This RV Park/campground is a Mojave County park with both an RV Park area and North and South Beach camping areas. We are usually more interested in camping areas than in an RV Park so we wanted to tour the North and South Beach camping areas.

Davis Camp Park - Bullhead City AZ - Entrance


Upon arrival, the woman at the entrance booth told us that both beach areas provided sites for 40’ rigs. Great.


Davis Camp Park - Bullhead City AZ - Campground Map
Campground Map – North is to the left

Both beach areas are along the river with ramadas and picnic tables and are only dry camping. And all sites have terrific river views. We drove through both beach camping areas and decided that the South Beach appeared to be only for cars with tents, i.e., you basically park your car in the parking lot and walk to the site. The South Beach was empty this time of year.


The North Beach had a few sites that maybe a 40’ rig could fit in but the sites were not well delineated so it was a bit difficult to determine. There were only a few sites taken at the time and one was occupied by a big rig. It may be that you can park anywhere around your ramada (which did have site numbers on them) and as long as you are not obstructing traffic they don’t care. Some potential rig parking areas looked like visitor parking but again, it was difficult to determine.


The RV park was your typical RV Park with lots of rigs parked close together.

Davis Camp Park - Bullhead City AZ - RV Park
The RV park portion of Davis Camp with nice wide streets.


We still thought it might be worthwhile to try a site at the North Beach some time in the winter. At least drive through again and see if any big rig sites available.

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