Those Young Guys

Anza Borrego State Park – Cut Across Trail 4WD

Today we decided to take a rest from hiking and do some exploring. Off we went with not a real destination in mind but loaded up with maps, GPS, food, water, etc. and headed towards Arroyo Salado Palm Oasis. We headed out Highway 22 east to mile marker 38.4 and turned south on the dirt road to the Arroyo Salado primitive camping area.


From there we headed on south for about 3.5 miles to the palm oasis. Still a few palms living in this oasis and a cute little visitors message center (an old barrel) with sign in books and some lens cleaner. Yes, lens cleaner. Maybe a geo cache? Or maybe someone giving you the opportunity to clean your lenses?


On we went just a bit further to 5 Palms Oasis since it was right around the corner. Someone had crossed out 5 on the sign and changed it to 4 and then 2. Hmmm….
Anyway, a beautiful spot to take the short hike up to see the 360 degree vista of the badlands, Octotillo Wells SVRA, and all the way to the Salton Sea.


We decided to continue onto the Cutoff Trail and drive to the south portion of the park, all the way to highway 78. Not much further on was Una Palma. And they are right, there is One Palm there. A perfect place to stop and have lunch.

Disclaimer: No trees were hurt in the taking of these photos!

The landscape is quite interesting in this area as it is really barren. You feel like you are on the moon, not that I know what that feels like, but still not a strange of vegetation.

Borrego Springs Cut Across Trail
Zero vegetation


After a while the landscape changes and off we go to seeing more of the Badlands. The Cut Across Trail borders Anza Borreo State Park and Octotillo Well SVRA for a distance and there are a number of wash intersections that take you into the SVRA.  It was great to see Fonts Point looking from the east for a change.


We continued on the Cut Across Trail all the way over to Buttes Pass (near The Slot) which then heads down to highway 78.


A beautiful, easy 4wd with terrific views of the Badlands.

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