Those Young Guys

Joshua Tree National Park – Hiking

Westside Loop Trail

The Black Rock Canyon Campground sits in the northwest section of Joshua Tree National Park near the city of Yucca Valley. It is separated from the rest of the national park but has its own set of hiking trails. One of our favorite hiking trails is Westside Loop. It is about 4-5 miles long with about a 700 foot elevation gain, fantastic scenery, and usually no one else on the trail.


Pine City

We drove over to the center of the park and enjoyed a short hike to an area called Pine City. It was about a 4mile round trip hike and relatively flat. There were a few areas where you could climb up and see the valley to the east.  Pine City is supposed to be an area with lots of juniper and pinyon trees, which it is, BUT the big attraction for us was the piles of rocks and the meandering paths through the rocks. It was one big rock city and you could wander through the rocks like wandering the streets of Venice and getting lost. It was lots of fun!


Warren View Trail

Back at Black Rock Campground there is another trail which we quite enjoy which you can get to from the campground called Warren View and Warren Peak Trail.  It ascends up the hill about 3 miles to fabulous views of the mountains to the south and west. Outstanding! A nice hike with a gentle climb where you are rewarded for your efforts. It can be quite windy at the top.

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