Those Young Guys


  1. Looks like you are enjoying life – immensely! You sure do take some great photos and allow others to live vicariously! That looks like an awfully big baked potato.

    As for me, I spend 12 hours a day online and loving it – trying to figure out blockchains and cryptocurrencies. Presently taking the online course (“Introduction to Digital Currencies” from the University of Nicosia) along with 4,130 other learners. One day soon, I must learn to enjoy the great outdoors as much as you do. Wife is in the process of selling her “Sushi” franchise so we will be leaving for China and SouthEast Asia some time in December. I would imagine you will be travelling in warmer climates until spring.

    Seems I heard somewhere you guys are moving back to Canada so hope to see you in 2018! Roger & Fanny

    1. Thank you Roger. You are too kind. AND yes it was a big baked potato, but we shared it!!! Sounds like you are keeping busy with your courses and preparing to head to China. We assume you are just going there for a visit and will return to Canada? If so, I am sure we will see you next summer. And no, we are not moving to Canada. We are never sure how some rumors get started. We just spent more time there this past summer than usual. Norm will email you and fill you in on our plans. And yes, we hope to stay in warmer climates….forever……….

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