Those Young Guys

Central Alberta – Out and About


We spent well over a month in central Alberta and certainly wore out our welcome! But it was a terrific time. We spent lots of quality time with family and friends and enjoyed the farm life.


It was in the summer when British Columbia was under a state of emergency due to the over 500 wildfires burning. For at least a month the wind blew the smoke east into Alberta and on.  The smoke would vary from day to day but there were many days when the sky was grey and the sun was partially obscured by smoke. Our eyes would burn and our throats were irritated and we had an overall lethargic feel. We hoped for rain and for wind.


Campground: “Mooch” docking with relatives
Location: Central Alberta
Site: Farmland
Cost: $0 (included fresh farm cooked meals, entertainment, and booze)
Services: 15 AMP
Comments: Nothing could be finer than moochdocking with loved ones!


The best part (well almost) was being parked right next to the gardens for not only beautiful scenery but fantastic food! We spent one afternoon digging potatoes and then making palt which is a traditional Swedish potato dumpling.


And, of course, the flowers in the gardens were beautiful.


We even managed to get to a farm sale on day in Barrhead, Alberta. No, we didn’t buy a combine or a seeder, but we wanted to!


Here’s a short excerpt from the sale. Notice the sky is smokey, all from the tremendous amount of wildfires burning in British Columbia. The smoke is blowing east into Alberta and further on. Those aren’t clouds in the sky, it’s smoke!


We also checked out the Alberta Legislature Building and Grounds in Edmonton while we were there visiting friends. They have a nice Visitor’s Center with multiple exhibits. We visited the Borealis Gallery and viewed the “Snapshots of Canada” exhibit which was quite interesting. We even watched a movie on the history of Alberta in 4D at the Pehonan Theatre (Pehonan means gathering place in Cree).

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