Yes, we are back. This campground allows us a great place to stop on our way north.
We left home and we weren’t even 200 yards from our house when we hit something! There was a large crash. We pulled over and Norm climbed up on the roof to check out any damage. There was none!! It was a low hanging branch on a tree along the side of the road. Norm saw it as he was driving but didn’t have time to get out of the way. BAMM!! We told our neighbor about it shortly after and lo and behold, within a few hours he was out there removing the low hanging branch (he has an RV too). Thanks!
We headed up I-17 on a Sunday morning and it wasn’t long before we were in bumper to bumper traffic with a terrible accident. We waited quite awhile and we sure hope everyone was OK as it looked bad. It eventually cleared up and off we went to Flagstaff!

Bonito Campground is first-come first-serve so while we aren’t always guaranteed a site we have always seemed to find one. Well, until now. We arrived around 2pm on a Sunday afternoon and it was almost full! We drove all the way around the campground and finally found one site, a bit short, which was a pull along. We grabbed it. It was early October after check-out time on a Sunday when we arrived and it was full by early afternoon. We had never seen this before at this campground.
Campground: Bonito Campground
Location: About 12 miles north of Flagstaff, Arizona just outside entrance to Sunset Crater National Monument
Site: 36 – pull along
Cost: $13 (that’s with half off due to Interagency Pass)
Services: dry camping
Comments: Yes, one of our favorite campgrounds. Even though we took the last site we still thought it was a great site. We prefer sites on the perimeter of a campground instead of in the middle but it still worked out fine.
We had a nice campfire in the morning with a nice breakfast (made on the grille) before heading out on a hike.
Now we are off to Lake Powell and The Wave!! Yes, we won the lottery! Stay tuned!
Lucky, lucky you!! I tried six days in a row when we were in Kanab and then again twice when we stopped on our way back home. Nothing! Darn! Can’t wait for photos!! Have a great time!!
I know! We could not believe our eyes when we won. First time we tried. We did it online and there hundreds of others applying for the same days. It was great. Post coming!