We managed to make it through the construction and major road mess which went from Beaumont, Texas to Layfaette, Louisiana. It was a tough day of driving with lots of traffic and orange cones and machinery everywhere. As we drove through Louisiana we were drooling over all the food billboard signs along the way advertising Louisiana cooking. Boudin (boo-DAN) and cracklins and crawfish signs were everywhere!!

After a tough day of driving we opted to try an RV park just off the interstate which had good reviews. It was a bit expensive but it provided us an easy in/easy out and some laundry facilities for that much needed chore. Also there are at least 6 fuel stations at the interstate exchange which made for easy fill up!
The RV park is off season right now which meant it was easy to get a site and to pick one close to the laundry room. The RV park is extremely large and many people bring a golf cart (and lots of kids!!) with them to traverse the park! Since it is off season one of the main entrances was closed but the next one was open. The staff was very friendly and accommodating.

RV Park: Cajun Palms RV Resort
Location: Breaux Bridge, Louisiana
Site: 53 (pull thru)
Cost: $86.68
Services: FHU (50AMP)
Comments: A nice, well maintained RV park with easy access from I-10. It is probably PACKED during spring, summer, and fall with lots of activities and kids. A fine place for off season but definitely not a place we would stay during the ON season (unless of course we were blessed to have our grandkids with us!

The resort has a very large main building which is the center of activity. Inside the building there is an events center, a laundry room, a fitness center, and even a movie theater. It is also right next to all the pools, jacuzzi, and bars along with an upstairs deck to watch all the activities.

There are a few fishing ponds on the property with rental cabins bordering the ponds. There are a number of back-in sites along the pond and there are even a few group sites you can rent which have space for 2 RVs and 3 RVs which is great for family and/or friend get togethers. Several sites had shade canopies also.

And then there are the pools, restaurants, bars, and lots of activities for the kids. Lots of things for kids to do and lots of place for parents to drink! How perfect is that!

We were greeted with fabulous Louisiana sunsets (and we filled up the RV fuel tank and I got all of our laundry done)! Mission accomplished.

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