Those Young Guys

Okeechobee KOA – Okeechobee, Florida

We were heading south from Daytona to the Everglades National Park and wanted to drive via Lake Okeechobee and spend a night to make the trip more relaxing. It was tough finding a place but we managed to snag the last site at the Okeechobee KOA for an “OUCH” price. It did the trick to give us a nice resting place but seemed outrageously priced for the location. AND is is supposedly the largest KOA in the US. Well what do you know.

It was a pleasant drive to the town of Okeechobee which sits on the northern part of Lake Okeechobee. The lake is theis largest freshwater lake in Florida and averages about 9 feet in depth and is fed by the Kissimmee River from the north. On the way we passed food trucks, the nudist RV park, Sunnier Palms, and on to the lake. The lake is surrounded by a dike so it is not easily visible from the road but the Rim Canal which encircles the lake is visible. The dike is the basis for the Lake Okeechobee Scenic Trail (LOST) and part of the Florida National Scenic Trail.

This RV park is quite large and has a full set of amenities including a golf course, pool, store, large activities hall, and entertainment. It was more than we needed for a quick overnight. Some of the sites were waterfront and offered nice views. The sites were packed together in typical RV Park fashion.

RV Park:  Okeechobee KOA
Location: Okeechobee, Florida
Site: 99 (pull thru)
Cost: $108.90
Services: FHU – 50AMP
Comments: A very large RV park right smack in the center of Okeechobee with lots of seasonal visitors. Our neighbor in site 98 had taken our 50AMP hookup because his site was a 30AMP site (i.e., he paid for a 30AMP site). It was hot and he wanted it to run both his A/C’s…but he didn’t pay for it. We had to ask him if we could have it back. He did so but he wasn’t happy about it. He mentioned he had seen us pull in and still didn’t take it upon himself to come out and change his hookup until we asked. AND he was a fellow Dynamax Isata5 owner…….I won’t tell you where he was from, you can guess. Hmm…….

We had a lovely evening sitting out on our porch swing, sipping wine under our Tiki umbrella, and having a BBQ! All is well!! And we had a lovely evening sky!

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